woensdag 29 juni 2011

My new blog

Hello beauty's,

I won't blog on this blog anymore. So I hope you keep follow me on my new blog. www.wishingforabetterday.tumblr.com

I hope you like.

xoxo, Anisa.

zondag 19 juni 2011

Who's that bitch?

I will go on on tumblr.com

Hello sweethearts!

I've got someting to tell you. i've made a new blog. www.wishingforabetterday.tumblr.com. Now I post on both blogs and over a week I will post only on my new blog. That's because tumblr works is better to me. it's more international and you'll find more thinhs from me on weheartit.com. The most things will stay the same. It's just only another page. I hope you keep follow me.


Xoxo, Anisa.

donderdag 26 mei 2011

I just can't stop loving you.

wishing for a better day

Haai everybody!

I'm Anisa. I'm 14 years old and live in the Netherlands. I really like shopping, drawing, beauty, photography and a lot more things. My blog is calles 'Wishing for a better day.' and it's  about photography, drawing, music, poems and other things. i hope you like is!

Xxxx, Anisa